The witches and of the from the antiquity, of great importance to the Ouija the essence of material objects. Properly enchanted talismans to be able to attract not only the wealth and good luck, but also success and self-confidence, which are so necessary for the preservation of financial wealth. Among the places of effective of the amulets are the runes, precious stones and animal figures. The talismans are relevant today, the main xlsm the necessary attributes sortílega of energy. You may receive a gift or buy at the store, however, the most functional are considered effective attributes, made with their own hands.
How to work the amulets for the good luck and money?
Leaving the city, like it or not, and you will find with people who complain about the lack or scarcity of means. Many try to survive somehow, too much work, spending most of their time on the job, and gradually pushing to the family in the background. It is not surprising that the excess of tiredness can affect the psychological condition of the health of the person. In man, born of the inexplicable feeling of hatred towards more successful and wealthy.
Luck is one of the most forgotten factors of the race for wealth. If a person works, but the result is not satisfying, it is worth resorting to the help of the forces of the own hidden energy. Highlights of the mental faculties it is often not enough, while with luck, all that is proposed. The fortune attracts best offers addressing to the person in the right place at the right time. How to attract good luck?
First things first, trying to win, it's not worth ignoring the money lucky amulets. Amulets to attract money and good fortune can become an excellent alternative to the rites magical, and help to attract finances throughout life. Often, it is enough parisian with xlsm a special attribute own energy and always carry. The highest efficiency occurs of amulets, made with their own hands.
The dignity of the amulets to attract money and good luck:
- Help the unexpected loss of the source of income;
- Rejects the possible theft of money;
- Avoid cash for expenses and losses.
Sortlegas amulets to attract money and good luck are not members of the black magic. They work in the converts the thoughts of the person and his improved mental energy.
Cash talismans of luck, they work three ways:
- Configured the thoughts of a person in the well-being;
- They are a kind of magnet that attracts money and good luck;
- Saturates the place of residence of the energy the Russian language that contributes to financial stability in the life of the person.

How to make amulets with his own hands?
It is considered that it is the strongest of the lucky mascot and the money should be made with their own hands. The number of amulets of wealth, which is marketed in particular the banks and the shops, it affects the entire imagination. When competent and careful attention even going to buy lucky charms can respond to the requests of the person on the increase in the amount of finance, however, its effectiveness is nothing compared to the performance of artifacts attributes.
The main methods of manufacture of amulets for money and luck:
- Blinding of clay or similar raw materials;
- Sewing, linking, or embroider them as toys;
- Draw, using a special parchment paper and brush;
- Manufacture, using a combination of all these methods.
It is worth bearing in mind that in the manufacture of talismans are worth avoiding artificial materials. In the tissues of the skin and other raw material contains a living energy that will reinforce the work of charm.
The runes
The runes are the writing of the ancient germans. Then cut in special strips. This is the main reason for the characteristic appearance of an ancient alphabet and does not contain any type of similar curves in a very difficult-to-cut knife on a firm surface will.
Rune comes powerful energy. The correct use of the combination of natural material and ancient symbols able to substantially improve the financial situation of the person.
The major runes, which are used during the manufacture of the cash of the pets:
- Fehu — rune, which attracts wealth and success, links of the buttons of the vital energy;
- Hyères — the links of the buttons of the plate for all the acts that have been committed on the person in the past. This is also the case of the efforts that have been done to improve your financial situation, however, have not given due result;
- Dagaz — sign, which is responsible for the overall perspective of the initiated works, and promotes the development of the business and victory over the competitors;
- Otal — rune, which helps to invest the cash in real estate, as well as attract powerful protectors, that can serve as support material;
- The soul character that allows you to engage in the life of the lucky and achieve their objectives. Done the impossible is real, which gives an attitude to the Russian language and increases the tone;
- Wunjo — links of the buttons, which allows to achieve the best possible result with the minimum of work.
For the manufacture of the runes a person can use wood or clay. Both elements have approximately the same properties, that is to say, easy to drive, so that with its help it is easier to influence the course of your destiny. Also the wood and the clay is easy to treat even a wizard. The best species of trees for the manufacture of the runes are the ash and the oak. In their time were sacred in the belief of the ancient norse Asatru.
Manual manufacturing of the runes in the money and good luck:
- Prepare the output material — clay or wood;
- Blind, or cut smaller disks. The shape does not matter as much, figures should not be perfectly level, what is more important, to be strong and not break, and if later on the path of the runes;
- Select the rune. With the way in which they must appear, you can know a little bit more on top. For the application of the mark in the clay you can use markers of good paintings. The runes on pieces of wood it is best to cut and then top-to be painted;
- Recovery of each of the runes are considered to be final step of the creation of the mascot. You need to exhale in each links of the buttons, and the submit during this process, the desired image material stability.

The money from the tangle of
On the basis of this pet is the ancient magic of that tangle of. Green wool, thread, since ancient times was considered as a active source of the material energy, and entanglement, in turn, symbolizes the concentration of this energy. The currency of the same is, of course, the incarnation of wealth.
The sequence of manufacture of money in cash in that tangle of:
- Take a large coin, best of all, with a figure of five, and well wrap it with green wool yarn;
- Wrap a coin until you release a small ball;
- During the mooring to slacken considerably coins thread, say , "come to me big money and small" and submit the picture of your well-being;
- Firmly secure the remaining piece of thread so that he could not get loose;
- Hang the money of the ball above the entrance door for the apartment;
- For the strengthening of the action of the cash of the pet regularly lubricate with any essential oil. The best oil for rosewood or walnut.

Animal figures
The followers of the eastern teachings have long known about the ability of the animals to attract money and good luck. Manufactured or purchased in the shop of the figure correctly chosen animal, you can significantly improve your financial situation.
The method of manufacturing of animal figures for the lure of money and the good luck is not particularly important. The charms can be sewn or dazzle from the clay, but if there's nothing to do, I don't know how to, experience is not worth. In most cases, people acquire beautiful amulets in the specialty shops and shops.
The animals, which attract a material well-being:
- The black cat already in Ancient rome it was a links of the buttons of good luck and freedom, and in Ancient egypt cats worshiped as gods;
- The dragon is the more important links of the buttons of strength, fortune and power. People who aspire to improve in your professional career, you only have to buy the statue, decoration, image or any other attribute with the image of a mighty dragon;
- The elephant is so good at creating, that if you put the figure on the sill of the window, surely it will wash in your house of good luck and wealth. The elephants especially benevolent to the owners of the various enterprises and entrepreneurs;
- A horse that moves only forward, brings pleasant change and good luck. To strengthen the action of the figures, it can be attached to the bag with currencies or any other attribute that reminds the wealth;
- Many are familiar with popular feng shui, figurines of frogs, which remain in the mouth a coin. It is important to choose the correct one for the place of the frog. Best living room, in which you need to the wealth of the energy;
- The bull is the links of the buttons of the diligence, industriousness, as well as an aspiration to success and wealth. Especially indicated this figure to the people whose work is related to the land or of the prior art;
- As powerful of creation, to fulfill any desire, famous for the writer not only chose the goldfish. Important to pick up correctly the place of their habitat, which is the south-east of the house. Aquarium should not be too large or too small — half will become the best option;
- The peacock or the feathers of this powerful bird will play the role of a sort of cash magnets. The rooster is also considered a links of the buttons of the happiness and material well-being.
Pictures of animals that attract money and good luck, also contribute to financial stability.

Precious stones
It is known that the precious stones are popular items of jewelry, however, not around the world regarded as amulets, which bring luck in money. One of the best talismans in the material well-being is the turquoise.
The production plan of the mascot of the turquoise:
- Wait for the start of the phase of the moon in black and sew their hands on a bag of blue fabric;
- Place it in the makeshift bag of turquoise;
- With the arrival of the new moon of each day to put in a bag of coins and banknotes. The nominal value of each new unit of currency should be of not less than the value of the last nested;
- As only the bag fills up to the edges, you must say directly to him the following words: "I take account of the thousands!";
- Out of the bag the money all, leaving only a stone-turquoise. Count the money three times;
- Tie the bag with blue turquoise with a ribbon and place it in the place where you normally save money.
Periodically repeat the ritual, in particular, if you feel the lack of financial resources.

The bag of herbs
The bag of herbs is very simple to do, however, this does not diminish its importance. More often money from the bags are manufactured using the methods of medieval european witches.
The production plan, amulet of luck and money on their hands:
- Prepare the cinnamon sticks, a handful of pine needles dried chunks of ginger and a few dried leaves of eucalyptus;
- Crush all the above elements in a mortar;
- The result is a powder put into a little canvas bag, after which tie your thread color to green;
- The bag of herbs should be stored in the place of work, in the office or any other place related to the process of getting money.
It is considered that an action similar to that of the pet lasts about a year. After this time, the ritual must be repeated.
The horde amulet
The horde amulets used since the times of the Golden horde. Then, it was believed that the owner of the pet will never be to know the needs and will always be with money. In our days, The horde is considered a very powerful amulet talisman that attracts the good luck and financial independence. On the attribute may not be extended. As a general rule, is carried in the pocket or purse.
The production plan ordynskogo amulet:
- Prepare any currency, a fine lace or a thread, and three wax candles. It is better to take the currency that you have a history;
- Wait for the growing phase of the moon. The ritual is performed in the environment;
- Place the candles on the table in a triangle and light up their matches. The burner can not be used;
- Read coins of seven times that of the conspiracy:
Money deposit hex, the words of my have polychala, my word obedient in my pocket as pozvanit, others are called, in my bag other vacuum. I was positit, I get rich. Live in wealth, in joy, in abundance, the rain of gold wash, yes, as a currency, yes full bag to a long life, and light, be blessed. It will be as well. Ace.
- During the reading of the conspiracy represents the desired goal, and not just for the money, but near of them, then you own them and takes, receives positive emotions.
After the conspiracy of the currency tie up his cross cord or strong thread, reading now the words of special spells.
The text of the conspiracy in The horde amulet:
Tied to, the currency tie, the money in your purse, in your life, in your valley I attract.
In no case do not trim the ends of the wire, turn on your flames of the wax candles. Zagovornye currency leave within the triangle of candles in the night. Fire to extinguish, it is not necessary. In the morning take ready talisman and put it put it in his bag. It with anyone do not tell, and we're not going to the amulet in hand, as well as strangers touching weaken monetary magic.

Imperial currency
Imperial amulet helps to reach the wealth, to achieve career success, and also contributes to the early repayment of debt. The currency you can carry it in your pocket, in your purse or in the neck. On the pet is not worth telling, as well as to give in the hands. Outside tap significantly the magic of sorcerous attribute.
The plan of production in the imperial pet of luck and wealth:
- Wait for the full moon and prepare wax of a candle, a coin of any value, as well as a piece of leather subject matter red.
- Turn on candle wax, matches, sit back and take in their hands the coin. Imagine everything you wanted — wealth, success in work, good luck in all your endeavors, and many other things;
- After that, put a coin in a piece of red material, and leave it on the window sill in the light of the moon;
- Before bedtime, place a coin on the fabric and place it underneath the pillow;
- In the morning, pulls out the amulet and to always carry in your purse or in your pocket.
The objects that attract good luck and money?
Surely every person in the apartment will be found the couple, the trio of objects that attract money and good luck to you, and them, and don't realize it. For the best effect of these objects must be placed in the most optimal to the sorcerous impact of the places.
The things, which attract the finances in the home:
- The mat of the front door doesn't let go of the negative energy, which impedes the involvement of material goods. For your money has always been secure and fastest to multiply, reaching home with a certain amount of money (for example, after the receipt of the payroll) do not wipe your shoes on the carpet. This way you can save the energy of the money they brought to the house. If you return with empty hands, on the contrary, necessarily wipe your shoes on the carpet. Then the energy of the vacuum and the lack of money to you do not adhere;
- The broom is also considered a powerful money pet. To acquire the most common form of the straw broom and hang up it up, a blender in the hallway or in the kitchen. It is considered that this attribute barre of the house of any negative energy, and frees up some space for the flow of materials;
- The mirror can attract money in the house, and can be frightening to them. It is important to keep — in the mirror should always reflect the cleanliness and order. If the mirror is going to see the dirt and clutter, your energy is going to have a negative influence on the financial situation in the home and the family;
- If your table is round or oval, you are very lucky. The roundtable is a links of the buttons of the prosperity and abundance of money. Such furniture helps the circulation of energy in the house. How many people spent the money, which always are in multiplied form.